



Buyer Persona

Buyer Journey


Fincy is an emerging financial services company set to launch a unique investment offering for consumers (B2C) in the near future. As the company is still in its early stages, there are no existing customers, and limited information is available about the target audience. To better understand this audience, Fincy has decided to develop a Buyer Persona and map out a Buyer Journey.

Although Buyer Personas and Buyer Journeys are usually created for the business-to-business (B2B) market, Fincy recognised the importance of applying these tools to their consumer-facing approach. The decision to create a Buyer Journey was driven by the understanding that purchasing this financial product requires potential customers to thoroughly research and be convinced – just as in many B2B buying processes. The Buyer Journey is based on a detailed customer profile, known as the Buyer Persona, which outlines the characteristics and goals of a representative customer.


A large number of assumptions and prejudices were refuted by qualitative research and a detailed customer profile


Developed In conjunction with Alexander Snoek and

desk Research
Visual design

Fragments booklet Buyer Persona Fincy

Buyer Persona is based on interviews of real persons